Monday, October 30, 2023

Pumpkin Carving and Trick-or-Treat

The annual pumpkin display in our village is up! This display will probably look familiar to you. What was new this year is that I actually participated. My mom and I carved pumpkins on the 25th, so they've been up a few days. I haven't carved a pumpkin in... I don't know how many years, so that was fun to do again. I had to wonder why I hadn't been participating in years past. They even provide the community with free pumpkins!

So this one is mine:

This one is mom's:

There were a number of pumpkins to choose from inside the gazebo.

After choosing a pumpkin, you go inside this tent to carve it. This inflatable entrance is a great touch. I'll have a pic coming up where you'll be able to see it more in the daylight.

They asked you to carve out the back so they could string a light through, but they ended up going through the top of mine.

My insides:

Here are a few rows of them lit up:

Pretty cool skull face! And extra impressive, considering we were using those children's knives and scoops. I'm amazed that someone was able to carve those eye details. Unless they brought their own carving tools? Actually no matter what they carved with, those eyes are impressive.

I think I was next to the guy carving Ghost Face in the tent, because I heard his kid requesting it. 

I appreciate when someone uses the guts and seeds in their carving.

I am going to assume a tired mom carved this. If not, I have questions. 

And the front shows the look of the Tired Mom.

An up-close view of seed mouth.


Remember the inflatable pumpkin?

We went back later in the daytime to see if more pumpkins had been added.

Cute little leaf bow or hair on this one.

Someone clearly brought their own accessories to decorate with!

Here's that carving tent in the daylight. 

There was some kind of pumpkin bowling game set up. I assume you roll a pumpkin toward the pins instead of a ball? I've never seen anyone actually playing this.

Our village did trick-or-treating from 4:00 to 7:00 yesterday (Sunday) and it was so cold out that I had to wear a winter coat, snow pants, and a pair of winter boots under this outfit! The weather took such a dip that there was the possibility of snow. Despite the cold weather, 60 kids came by. I had exactly 60 pieces of candy, so that worked perfectly.

For those last minute candy shoppers, I think the best deal was at Walgreens, if you don't need any more candy than I got. So many stores require you to buy a massive amount of candy to get any kind of discount. Although, I'm sure a lot of the people who buy Halloween candy are just eating the candy themselves! So it wouldn't matter if they had some left over. 

The kids were very nice and polite. I don't have any wild stories. They were just chatty and pleasant. There were lots of cute partial costumes, half hidden by winter coats. One girl took part of her winter wear off to show me there was an actual costume under there and I told her that I understood, as I was secretly wearing snow pants!

And one other kid asked where my broom was. I told him it was inside and he asked what I used it for. I said "sweeping" and he seemed disappointed. Then he wanted to know about what I had up on the tablet next to me. I was listening to some scary stories in between the kids coming by. If you listen to some of those themed scary story videos, you know they're not for kids. So when the kids weren't there, I listened to those videos and when the kids came up, I quick played a CD of spooky sounds that I had hidden. 

Do you guys listen to those themed scary story videos? The themes range anywhere from "Five Scary Stories from Walmart" to "Three Crazy Ex Stories". Now that I think about it, they're mostly about scary people at stores or scary relationships... Anyway, there are so many different channels out there now! I was listening to some trick-or-treat themed scary stories yesterday. Turns out, a surprising amount of strange things have happened to people while they were either collecting or handing out treats. I'm glad to say that trick-or-treat was completely normal for me last night. It was probably too cold for anyone to be getting into trouble around here! 

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