Friday, October 27, 2023

Inspiring Yard Creations in Bayview

As I mentioned in my last blog post, there were some amazing yard decorations in the neighborhood around the Pumpkin Pavilion. For those familiar with the Milwaukee area, that neighborhood was Bayview. 

I have been looking forward to sharing these photos with you guys, because it's fun to show pics of something people probably haven't seen before. So many of these are DIY creations, so you won't have seen them in stores. You may have seen some parts in stores, like the skeletons, but the displays are pretty original.

Isn't it amazing how something so simple as a mask with the right lighting can have such an effect? I think simplicity is sometimes the scariest.

Those masks were hanging on the door of this house.

This decorator knew how to work with pink and red lights! I have a feeling that every angle was tried with the lights until it was just so. 

This little pirate spook was on a fence around the backyard of the next place you're going to see. 

Boo! How great is this? This pumpkin man was super tall and on a bit of a hill, so most people would feel like they're looking up at him.

See the floating candles above the door?

Here's the entire front of this very well-lit house. 

I love the friendly ambience with the string lights and pumpkin pail, but the figure was unnerving. I really couldn't tell if he was a real guy or not.

Even as I got closer to take this pic, I was thinking "Please don't move. Please don't move." I'm 99% sure he was a prop. I am noticing a lot of beer can accessories on figures and props this year. In this case, the can was what was making me unsure about his liveliness. 

I've probably shared pics of this house in the past. I think this will be the only display you've possibly seen on here before. But I will keep sharing it every time I visit it! How can I not? I don't think I'd captured how tall the house is before, though. You can see that small upper story window lit up. Look for the "Beware of House" sign.

That part of their porch that juts out really adds to this unhinged jaw look. I love everything about this.

I feel like a little kid when I look at this porch. This is an intimidating set of stairs to climb on Trick or Treat night!

I can't decide if this porch is welcoming or not! It looks like the skeletons are having a conversation. Check out that wreath.

There were some unique inflatables out that night. I have never seen any of the following inflatables in any other yard. The Sandworm from Beetlejuice: 

Here's the full view so you can see him coiled on the ground. There are so many little parts on this one.

The Reaper:

Yes, he's holding a heart.

This one is so well lit. I'm sure this is the most vibrant red I've seen from an inflatable. 

Those are spiders crawling on the skull. And you may be able to tell that there is a big purple spider in the background.

This is a good one for "Squirrel View" as I call it. :) Lately, I've gotten some more interesting photo angles by crouching down to the ground.

I don't know how to describe what this cool tree decoration is made of. It's some type of hard, transparent material you can see lights through. I remember seeing a lot more of this style of decoration right before inflatables became the thing. I'm sure this takes less upkeep while outside, although it takes more storage space since it doesn't deflate. 

Do you see the doll face emerging from the corner? They even set up some candles inside the window. I'm not sure if that was supposed to be part of the decorations we saw from outside, but they add something being behind that skull.

I thought I'd save this guy until last because it looks like he's waving goodbye as we leave the neighborhood. This skeleton looks metallic, at least in this light. I'm pretty sure he would look gold in the daylight. Wouldn't he be perfect in a pirate display?

On the way to the car, we passed this church. I had to include these pics because even though they're not of Halloween decorations, they are still pretty dramatic and spooky.

This door looks like it could be featured in a Hammer movie.

This is a pretty great area to explore when looking for Halloween decorations. Browsing up and down these streets was actually as fun for me as the Pumpkin Pavilion. I think there was an equal amount to see! 

I love it when a whole neighborhood gets into decorating for the holidays. Surprisingly, there have been some pretty solidly decorated streets closer to home this year. Pics from those streets will be coming soon.


  1. Great photos! Thank you so much for sharing.

    1. Haunted Eve ~ Thank you! :) I had a lot of fun exploring these streets and I enjoy sharing what I find. There's something cool in knowing that people from all over are getting to see some local decorations. I'm sure those who decorated their homes would like knowing that people are appreciating their creations.

  2. Love, love, LOVE that shot of the stairs with the skull on the door!

    1. Dex ~ Thank you! Me too! Isn't that just a classic childhood view of what a scary door would be? Not that I didn't feel a little spooked as an adult... They used just enough lighting to show the skull well, but the sides of the porch are left so dark that you can't tell what could be over there. It's perfect!
