Thursday, May 2, 2019

A Little Halloween Butterfly

There are some new butterflies in town! This spring I have been seeing a lot of these cute little orange and black critters.

They've flown around the flowers and around me. One even flew between my face and the book I was reading. So they're quite the "social butterflies". 😉

So obviously I've had ample opportunity to photograph them. I swear it feels like these insects are posing sometimes.

I had to find out exactly what I was photographing. After a little googling, I learned that this is the "Red Admiral Butterfly". That's not what I would have named them, but it is a cool name.

I learned that they like nettle and overripe fruit. The ones I saw seemed happy enough with regular old dandelions. The butterflies' Wikipedia pages states:

"It is known as an unusually people-friendly butterfly, often landing on and using humans as perches."

So how about that? Here I thought I had just run into some overly social ones. Maybe one of these days, a Red Admiral Butterfly will perch on my shoulder. 🦋

P.S. ~ What you've mostly been seeing here is the inside of their wings. The outside of their wings actually could pass for a dried leaf or dry dirt. Incognito!


  1. Replies
    1. DJ Trish ~ Thank you! :) I thought you'd appreciate some nature shots, because you take some nice ones!
